BWSC supports a "green" approach to stormwater management, which reduces pollutants and improves the environment.
Green Infrastructure/Low Impact Development (GI/LID)
For most of Boston's history, stormwater management meant capturing stormwater and piping it, untreated, to receiving waters, like the Charles River or Boston Harbor. However, in recent years BWSC has adopted a new "green" approach to stormwater management. The goal is to treat the first inch of stormwater, which substantially reduces pollutants, like phosphorus, in receiving waters and replenishes groundwater city-wide.
Pollution Prevention
As rainwater and snowmelt run over the ground, it picks up pollutants and debris that have been carelessly or illegally deposited onto our streets or directly into the storm drains.
For more information continue to the Pollution Prevention page.
Conservation Tips and Kits
There is as much water in the world today as there was thousands of years ago; actually, it is the same water. The water from your faucet could contain molecules that dinosaurs drank or even George Washington.
Remember, less water usage means lower water and sewer bills, so use your water wisely.
Conservation Tips and Kits
Good Neighbor Initiatives
There are a variety of ways to positively engage with your community, continue to the Good Neighbor Initiatives page for more information.
Good Neighbor Initiatives
Environmental Partnerships
Continue to Environmental Partnerships for a list of agencies that BWSC collaborates with.
Environmental Partnerships
Report an Incident
To report illegal dumping, an emergency, or water theft continue to the Report an Incident page.